Creating a site for your business or organization has gotten cheaper and easier.
In this article I'll discuss when you should hire a web designer or use one of the many drag and drop website building platforms out there.
To begin, ask yourself 3 simple questions:
- Do I have the time to create a site on my own?
- Do I have the money to hire a website designer or developer?
- Am I confident enough at my web design skills that I would wager business revenue?
If you've already made up your mind and decided that hiring a web expert for your business website is right… good for you!
If your still on the fence, read on and let's dig a little deeper.
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DIY Website Building Platforms vs Content Management Systems (CMS)
You are probably familiar with companies like Squarespace, Wix, and Weebly
Who isn't?
These are amazing DIY website platforms that make it somewhat easy(er) to build your own website without hiring an expert.
But there's a bit of a problem with these DIY options
You don't have an expert!
And here's why having the expert is necessary -
Say your car starts rattling somewhere under the hood. You go out and buy every tool at the auto parts store, open the hood and start looking around.
Did buying the tools magically turn you into an expert? I think not.

Sure, you can start turning wrenches, pulling wires, and draining fluids, but do you really know what you are doing?
Probably not.
When you sign up and start using DIY site builder services, you've no doubt got the tools at your fingertips, but you are no more an expert than before you signed up.
Becoming an expert in anything takes a lot of practice, failing, and learning.
Unless you want spend less time running your business and more time learning the ropes of a DIY platform so you can create something worth sharing, These options probably aren't the right fit for you.
Now let's talk about content management systems.
A CMS is a good choice for most websites. Using a CMS typically reduces the amount of time it takes to build a website, you own the site, and it's still editable by you, the website owner.

The most popular CMS and website platform today is WordPress.
It is open-source, meaning anyone can create anything for it, it's scalable, search engines love the code (good for ranking), and there are a ton of free themes and premium themes available to start with.
But again, are you the expert?
It still takes the expert to get the site right so it actually benefits your business.
Not to mention, relatively simple tasks like setting up a hosting plan, figuring out how to install WordPress, adding an SSL certificate - these can all be daunting and foreign to someone who is seeing this for the first time.
So what's the solution?
To Pay or Not to Pay. That is the Question
In most cases, I would say "yes", hire an expert who knows the ropes, but there is another option.
See, today, web technology has really caught up. Even seemingly complicated content management platforms can be tamed with addons, or plugins as they are called.
As a matter of fact, plugins like Beaver Builder or Elementor turn CMS platforms into Squarespace-esq website building powerhouses.
This is usually the better option because the site is more customizable and you actually OWN the website vs renting it like you do with Squarespace, Wix, or one of the other countless options out there.
Whether you're creating an online store or a simple business website to showcase your services, a CMS like WordPress overlayed with a drag-and-drop plugin is the way to go.
Most drag-and-drop plugins, like Beaver Builder (which is what we use) or Elementor, come with a slew of built in modules and layouts, and most auto-resize the page and content for people using a mobile device to browse your site.
But enough of what should be used to create your business site, let's get back to why I created this blog post in the first place.
Should You Hire a Web Designer for Your Business Website?
My final answer is...
Yes and No (I know, you want to shoot me now)
IF you need an eCommerce website created, buy your web hosting (I recommend SiteGround), then find a professional to create your online store.
IF you are creating a membership site, same thing - hire the web experts. Look for someone who has specifically built membership sites in the past.
**Anything that requires advanced functionality - hire a pro.
But make sure you do your homework before signing on the dotted line.
If you make your decision based on price alone, you'll lose your money (and sanity)
You want to make a decision after factoring in price, timeline, platform used, the vendor's portfolio, and more importantly...
Ask them how they recommend the site be built.
If they tell you to come up with the layout, pages, images, and functionality... move on!
The person you hire should be able to come to the table with a gameplan of their own and why they think it will be the best to reach your specific website and business goals.
For non-functionality sites and simple business sites I don't really recommend hiring a web designer to create a custom site.
Instead, find a DIY website course taught by someone who is reputable and knows what they are doing.
Instead of trying to figure out site building yourself, have the expert show you what to do and why.
Along the way, I recommend consulting with the expert from time to time to make sure you are still on par and covering your bases, but I personally think with the right guidance, you can create something worth your business's stamp of approval.
The Takeaway
Hire a web design expert when it makes sense.
Don't just look for the cheap option, make sure it fits your needs and timeline.
If your site doesn't require a bunch of functionality and you've got some time to spare, do it yourself with the help of an expert.
If you know your limitations and are absolutely sure you won't commit to building it yourself, check out the website formula.
Good luck!
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